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PDF A Bitter Chill by Jane Finnis kindle review wiki free pocket

PDF A Bitter Chill by Jane Finnis kindle review wiki free pocket

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Book description
In late December 95 AD, Roman settlers in Britannia are preparing to celebrate Saturnalia. Innkeeper Aurelia Marcellas plans for a peaceful holiday are shattered when her brother brings bad news. An enemy in Rome is trying to destroy her family by spreading rumours that they are plotting against Caesar. Her brother has lost his job as a government investigator, the mansio is menaced by a gang of native criminals, and when a party of rich, demanding travelers arrive to stay, their quarrels and violence spill over into Aurelias household. Then the Saturnalia banquet, highlight of the festival, culminates in tragic death. Aurelias sister Albia is one of the chief suspects.This second book in the series takes Aurelia from the quiet countryside to the busy new garrison town of York where she must contend with traitors and crooks, and face personal danger to protect her sister and help her brother. If she fails, her family will lose not just their mansio, but their lives.
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