P2P - Crypto Peer-to-Peer - PlusCoin

P2P - Crypto Peer-to-Peer - PlusCoin


The idea of creating an integrated cryptocurrency PlusCoin in mobile app DS PLUS became real.

The first stage of realization this idea was launch of Marketplace in form of Crypto Black Fridays and everyday Marketplace PlusCoin.

The next stage is launch of P2P platform.

P2P PlusCoin – is Blockchain Ethereum based platform, where people can sell or purchase products with PlusCoin.

I'll tell you in more detail about how it will work and to what result it will come on the plan for the development of the direction.

1.   March - April 2018 – launch of beta version 1.0.

2.    The product is added by a registered user through a convenient personal cabinet - a picture, title, description, seller's location - and sent to the platform administrators for moderation.

3.   When registering, you will need to specify the details of the Myetherwallet cryptocurrency wallet to receive earned PLC.

4.  After moderation the product will appear on P2P platform and will be available to purchase.

5.   PlusCoin tokenholder purchases the placed product and indicates where it is necessary to deliver it.

6.   PlusCoin deposited by the buyer are blocked until the transaction is completed.

7.    7. The seller receives the earned crypto currency after receiving the product by the buyer.

8.   Delivery is paid separately by the buyer. At the initial stages, the issue of delivery falls entirely on the shoulders of the seller and the buyer (paid by buyer in the fiat currency when received).

These are the primary elements of the infrastructure.

However, what will be of interest to P2P for the cryptocommunity and society as a whole?

During the process of functioning the platform will be changed:

1.   Creating of private Blockchain.

2.   Writing a smart contract that will document the product's ID and record all its movements (purchase-sale) in private Blockchain.

3.   If the product is resold on P2P, then with the help of the data entered in private Blockchain, the buyer will be aware of this.

4.   Creating of a coin PlusCoin P2P for private Blockchain.

5.  Creating of our own exchange for PLC / PLCP2P.

6.   Two-way convenient exchange of PLC for trading on P2P.

7.  Absolute integration of P2P with Blockchain.

8.   Integration of the special P2P Express delivery system with full PLC payment.

9.  Integration with mobile app DS PLUS.

This will be the first worldwide Blockchain based P2P platform.

We look forward to the start of the first tests.




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