Outland Online Free

Outland Online Free


Outland Online Free


Policeman Marshal William T. O' Niel has been transferred to the mining outpost located on Io, one of Jupiter's moons. And O' Neil is about to have the worst time of his life at the mining outpost, when he is assigned to investigate the violent deaths of miners, only to discover the miners have died of drug overdoses from a lethal drug. As O' Niel sets out to find the drug dealers, he finds himself the target of hired assassins, whom have been hired to assassinate O' Niel. With no help from the Police Force, O' Niel sets out to stand against the drug dealers, as he begins to suspect the outpost's corrupt administrator Sheppard may be involved with the drug dealers.
A marshal in outer space assigned to a remote mining colony refuses to look the other way when miners begin dying from a deadly narcotic designed to increase their productivity in this film patterned on <a href=">High Noon (1952). Separated from his family, the marshal finds few allies in the corporate-controlled colony when assassins are sent to take care of him.
... I noticed that this was the phrase on the Marshall&#39;s (Connery&#39;s) computer every time he received data. Was this a sly dig at his old role, James Bond, that had a new movie of that title released the same year as Outland? Certainly, Connery was wise to leave the role of the two-dimensional secret agent, and went on to make some interesting movies, such as the esoteric Zardoz. Outland, while not as thoughtful as Zardoz, is a worthwhile movie. Set on a mining station orbiting Io (One of Jupiter&#39;s moons), it is self-consciously toned down SF, with rifles and knifes taking the place of laser pistols. Direction is above-average, though not art, and the cast are good, especially Frances Sternhagen. Connery is on fine, pensive, sensitive form, though it&#39;s still a little strange seeing him kill a villain and not make some wisecrack, a la 007. Only in the final quarter does Connery don a spacesuit and take the narrative to outer space. Yet while the final pay-off may disappoint in a stock movie, Outland does succeed on most counts.
Both in the Citadel Film Series book The Films of Sean Connery and a quick survey of the user comments here, everyone seems to be conceding that Outland is simply High Noon transferred to outer space. It&#39;s not really, but there are certain plot similarities. Of course there were enough similarities that Fred Zinneman stated that Peter Hyams had ripped off his western classic.<br/><br/>For one thing Gary Cooper is a newlywed in High Noon, Sean Connery is a married man with a 12 year old son. His wife however wants him to give up the futuristic law enforcement business, but it&#39;s what he knows and because he&#39;s such an independent minded fellow who speaks his mind he gets one garbage assignment after another.<br/><br/>Here he&#39;s on a mining colony on the Jupiter satellite Io. It&#39;s a frontier town, not unlike some in the west. But Hadleyburg in High Noon is passed the wild and woolly frontier days and the impending gunfight is not wanted because it will bring those days back. Gary Cooper dealt with ingratitude, what Connery is dealing with on Io is systemic corruption.<br/><br/>The boss of the place is Peter Boyle the head of mining operations. One of the things he provides are illegal synthetic narcotics which make the men work like mules and increase his productivity. They also eventually fry your brain and you turn paranoid. <br/><br/>Connery notices several suspicious deaths have occurred in the past two years after he&#39;s had to deal with some miners who&#39;ve gone haywire. The presence of narcotics is confirmed by station doctor Frances Sternhagen during an autopsy. <br/><br/>When Boyle&#39;s confronted with this, bribery doesn&#39;t work so he puts out a contract on Connery. His deputies are all on the pad and the miners won&#39;t help either. His one friend in the place is Sternhagen.<br/><br/>In fact acting honors in Outland go to Frances Sternhagen as the tough old bird of a doctor who&#39;s also in a kind of exile on Io. <br/><br/>Outland has good special effects and the mining colony on Io is marvelously created with the use of miniatures, much like the Himalayas were in Black Narcissus. But it is better known for a good story and some fine acting by all, especially Sternhagen. It&#39;s one of Sean Connery&#39;s better films and shouldn&#39;t be missed by science fiction fans or Sean Connery&#39;s many fans.<br/><br/>So what if it took a few bites out of High Noon.

William T. O&#39;Niel, a honest policeman is transferred to the mining colony on Io, one of Jupiter&#39;s moons, as the new mining colony&#39;s new marshal. O&#39;Niel soon begins investigating the deaths of miners, whom have died from violent deaths, as a result of lethal overdoes from a illegal narcotic, which allows the miners to work for hours and go crazy, before dying. When one of the miners, whom has taken the narcotic, goes berserk, holding a prostitute at knife point. O&#39;Niel, without help from his deputies, goes after the drug dealers, who are selling the narcotics to the miners. But, O&#39;Niel soon discovers the mining colony&#39;s administrator Sheppard is behind it and sends hired assassins to kill O&#39;Niel and O&#39;Niel decides to take on Sheppard and his hired assassins alone and enforce the law in the mining colony. a5c7b9f00b

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