Orange County Carpet Cleaning: DIY Carpet Cleaning

Orange County Carpet Cleaning: DIY Carpet Cleaning

Your Pockets’ Getaway To More Expenses

We always fail to notice the value of having our carpets proficiently sanitized. Doing vacuum and even scrubbing out dust and dirt intermittently can be effective if you just want to partially clean it. If you want help and get professionals to help you clean your carpet then we recommend carpet cleaning. But for now, we can help you do your own cleaning at home.

Tips and Home Remedies

We can provide you basic tips and DIY solutions or anything you can use to clean your rugs without even giving out a buck. What homeowners do not know is that there are so many things at home especially in our kitchen we can use to sanitize and clean carpets.

·        Use distilled vinegar and mix it with warm water, put it in a spray bottle and shake it. Spray it over and under the carpet and leave it until it dries.

·        You can also use lemon as a substitute for vinegar because lemons are also acidic and the nice thing about it is your carpet smells good when it dries.

·        You can use baking soda if you don’t have a carpet cleaner powder, you can spread them all over and under your carpet, you have to leave them all night and you can vacuum it off the in the morning. The powder will help alleviate the stains and polish out the stink.

·        Use a shampoo, you can use a detergent also- mix the detergent o shampoo in a warm water, use a sensible amount to cover the whole carpet, leave it to soak for about 15 minutes then scrub the carpet carefully- use a scrub with softer bristles you do not want your carpet to be damaged.

·        If you have a vacuum you can use it too- although vacuuming alone is not as good as the former remedies but at least it will absorb the dust and dirt. This is good for maintenance purposes only.

Carpets soak up a lot of overlooked or unseen bacteria, filth, and dust. Regular vacuuming is not enough; it only sucks few dust and dirt but does not entirely sanitize the rug or carpet. Thorough cleaning is required since you will want your carpet to be super clean and sanitize so that it will look dazzling and smell good. You can do it yourself, their lots of stuff you can use at home that will help you.


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