One Piece The Movie Movie Mp4 Download

One Piece The Movie Movie Mp4 Download


One Piece: The Movie Movie Mp4 Download

Long ago, there was a pirate name Captain Woonan. He was obsess with gold so much, he eventually obtained 1/3 of the world's gold supply. And was nicknamed Great Gold Pirate Woonan because of that. Over the years the gold loving pirate soon co-existed in the world. Rumor has it that Woonan disappeared with his gold on a remote island. And to this day, other pirates are in search of that island. On the "Going Merry", Luffy and Zoro are starved to death. Usopp tries to get a meal by fishing, but no bites at all. While Nami is complaining about the ship's lack of food supply. Then a group of thieve came to steal their treasure supplies. Luffy and Zoro wrecked their getaway boat, which has a kid who was the hostage of the thieves. His name is Tobio and he lives with his grandfather, Gonzo. Gonzo owns a floating Oden stand. And has dedicated his life to making Oden. Luffy and Zoro enjoyed the Oden a lot. But Tobio, who's not at all an expert in Oden, says there's nothing to special about it. He wants to become a pirate like Woonan instead of an Oden seller like his grandfather. When Luffy and Zoro were about to leave, Gonzo told them that it'll cost them for all the Oden they ate. And they so happen to not have any money on them at all. So their stuck with the bill.The thieves(who kidnapped Tobio) worked for a pirate crew lead by a large,ferocious,Aztec Indian like man named El Drago. El Drago is so obsess with gold, that he's determined to find Woonan's loot. And he has in possession, the treasure map which has the coordinates of where Woonan's remote island is. Eventually our friends the "Straw Hat Pirate Crew" get to Woonan's island. Luffy and Zoro are chained together, Tobio wants to find Woonan's treasure, Usopp lies to El Drago's crew that he knows what the treasure is, and Nami is also interested in the treasure as well. Despite all these circumstances, our heroes must prevent El Drago from stealing the gold.
There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost 1/3 of the world's gold. Over the course of a few years, the pirate's existence faded, and a legend grew that he disappeared with his gold to a remote island, an island pirates continue to search for. Aboard the Going Merry, Luffy and his crew, starved and reckless, are robbed of their treasure. In an attempt to get it back, they wreck the getaway ship, guided by a young boy named Tabio, who's a captured part of El Drago's pirate crew. El Drago's love for gold has driven him to look for Woonan's island, and thanks to Woonan's treasure map, he finds it. During this time, Luffy's crew have been split up, and despite their own circumstances, they must find a way to stop El Drago from obtaining Woonan's gold.
So I was kind of worried about watching the movies at first but I'm glad I did. This first movie isn't by any means what I would call a perfect One Piece movie, but that's not to say it isn't any good at all. I can't entirely remember the characters or the story but I do remember watching it and thinking it was pretty good. Although in my personal opinion I wish there could have been an English Dub for this movie as well as the ones that don't currently have one. If your a fan of One Piece then I can almost guarantee you'll like this, so I suggest giving it a watch just in case, after all, even if you don't like it, it's still One Piece right
In the first movie installment of One Piece, we&#39;re told of a tale of Great Gold Pirate Woonan. A pirate who obtain 1/3 of the world&#39;s gold. Over the years, Woonan&#39;s existence has faded away. And a legend grew on his gold located on a remote island he settled on.<br/><br/>Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Nami got involved in the hunt for Woonan&#39;s treasure after meeting Tabio(a kid who admires Woonan) and a group of pirates lead by El Drago. El Drago is a tall Aztec Indian like man who&#39;s mad about gold. And wants every piece of Woonan&#39;s treasure.<br/><br/>As the hunt begins on the island, the Straw Hat Pirates must stop El Drago from stealing the treasure. But El Drago&#39;s crave for gold makes him dangerous to go up against.<br/><br/>Takes place between episodes 18 and 19. This movie is well thought up for being the first for the ever popular One Piece series. The animation and style are the same. And 51 minutes running long makes it feel like a double episode special.<br/><br/>Never a dull moment with the action, comedy, and character development used throughout the movie. A must see for those who like the anime. Only available on fan sub. Which is as easy to find on the internet as %0


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