


Oman, officially the Sultanate of Oman, is an Arab country on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. Holding a strategically important position at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the country shares land borders with the United Arab Emirates to the northwest, Saudi Arabia to the west, and Yemen to the southwest, and shares marine borders with Iran and Pakistan. The coast is formed by the Arabian Sea on the southeast and the Gulf of Oman on the northeast. The Madha and Musandam.

Оман — старейшее независимое государство Персидского залива, которое ничем не напоминает другие популярные места отдыха. Несмотря на модернизацию и глобализацию, страна сохраняет национальную идентичность и собственную культуру. В г. В султанате долгое время сохранялась традиционная феодальная система. Оман - это где-то очень далеко. Наверное, это Иран. Про Иран слышали все. Но нет, Оман существует. И это довольно-таки близко! Прямые рейсы из Москвы доставят вас в столицу страны Маскат за четыре с половиной часа. Из зимы в лето - красота! Даже визу получать не нужно. Точнее, визовый режим между нашими странами существует, но получение визы носит уведомительный характер: вы заполняете электронное заявление в интернете, и вам присылают готовый документ, который нужно распечатать и показать на стойке в аэропорту. Из удивительного и непонятного - зачем-то оманцам необходима девичья фамилия вашей матери. Сам контроль на границе проходится за пять минут. Соседний Йемен - страна, занимающая нижние строчки мировых рейтингов, здесь несколько лет идет гражданская война. Но поездкой в ОАЭ российского путешественника уже не удивишь, а тут и одна из самых закрытых стран мира, Саудовская Аравия, меняет законы и медленно, но верно разворачивается в сторону массового туризма. Оман же по безопасности - третья страна в мире после Финляндии и Исландии. Эти данные приводятся в рейтинге Всемирного экономического форума, эксперты которого в сентябре года оценили туристическую конкурентоспособность стран The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. Добавим, что Россия в этом списке на м месте. В пустыне живут ящерки, растут кустарники, а по барханам можно устроить джип-сафари, получив свою дозу адреналина и эффектные фотографии. В оманской пустыне даже есть туалеты - с водой и бумагой. Пески Вахиба - одна из достопримечательностей страны. А еще Оман - это зеленые террасы финиковых пальм с системой фалладжей акведуков , наполненные водой ущелья - вади, прекрасные песчаные пляжи Оманского залива, роскошные отели и богатая культурная жизнь. Например, в оперном театре Маската, единственном, к слову, на Аравийском полуострове, мест свободных не бывает, а на гастроли приезжают лучшие труппы мира. В сентябре давали 'Кармен', а в конце октября приезжала труппа Большого театра с оперой 'История про Кая и Герду'. Множество сохранившихся древностей позволяет представить, как жили во времена царицы Савской и Синдбада-морехода. Прогуляться по рынку старой Низвы, осмотреть порт города Сур, где до сих пор продолжают делать легендарные лодки доу, побывать в мечети султана Кабуса в Маскате просто необходимо. Это правда. Более того, именно на территории Омана зафиксировали самую высокую ночную температуру на планете - это случилось в июле года. Но это исключение из правил: даже в жаркое время года ночные температуры обычно достаточно комфортны. Оманские женщины действительно носят черные накидки - абайи, а в особенно ортодоксальных семьях - и бурку, маску на лицо. Женщины, учившиеся или жившие за рубежом, как правило, ведут себя более свободно, часто они принадлежат к богатым семьям и меньше зависят от мнения общества. Они позволяют себе и яркие цветные платья. Мужской цвет - белый: белое платье - дишдаш и белая шапочка с вышивкой, которую каждый надевает на свой манер. Впрочем, на работе они могут позволить себе надеть платье в серых или кофейных тонах. Кроме того, в Омане довольно много индийцев и пакистанцев, у которых совсем другой стиль одежды. К туристам отношение дружелюбное, если не трепетное: никто не будет свистеть и плеваться вслед. Достаточно носить юбки или брюки ниже колен и прикрывать плечи, но если предстоит поездка в горы, то и шорты допустимы. Платки на голову не нужны. Территории отелей - без дресс-кода. Для купания в вади достаточно легкого платья-парео, но если его нет, то можно обойтись - проверять все равно некому хотя предупреждающие о морали таблички с пиктограммами стоят по берегам. На самом деле английский довольно распространен, гиды владеют им в обязательном порядке, а остальные оманцы с удовольствием пообщаются с вами на языке жестов. Меню в любой придорожной забегаловке индо-пакистанского или йеменского происхождения снабжено английскими подписями, а также цветными картинками блюд. Дорожные указатели - на двух языках: арабском и английском, так что тут заблудиться невозможно. Арабам алкоголь запрещен Кораном, но в отношении приезжих все вполне лояльно. Спиртное подается в большинстве отелей - для этого там покупают лицензию на алкоголь. Последнюю, кстати, могут приобретать и экспаты. Так что все возможно - в рамках правил. Ну конечно, а как же рис? А всевозможные овощи, хумус, фалафель, пирожки, пахлава? Продолжать можно бесконечно. Отдельно радует линейка коктейлей. Самые вкусные - манго, лайм с мятой и гранатовый. Причем, что интересно, гранат здесь размалывают вместе с косточками, поэтому цвет у этого напитка получается бледно-розовый. Он прекрасно утоляет жажду и нисколько не вяжет язык. Смотря что понимать под 'всем'. Но ведь его не обязательно покупать! Хотя запах от привычных Chlo или Gucci выветрится через три часа, а от Amouage - через трое суток. Мало того, это еще и неприлично вкусно. Читать далее: Путешествия по России 35 самых красивых мест, которые должен увидеть каждый. Читать далее: Аэрофлот авиабилеты официальный сайт. Читать далее: Пляж Ката бич на Пхукете: описание, фото, отели, отзывы туристов, как добраться. Читать далее: 10 вещей, которые необходимо сделать в Берлине.

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Просмотрите 50 отзывы туристов и фотографии достопримечательностей Омане на сайте Tripadvisor.  Отзывов: Туры на скоростных моторных лодках, Наблюдение за дельфинами и китами, Пляжи, Плавание с дельфинами, Лодочные туры.

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Оман включает: Оман, Дофар, Маскат, Маскат, Мусандам, Салала, Северная Эль-Батина, Северная Эш-Шаркия, Эд-Дахилия, Эз-Захира, Эль-Бурайми, Эль-Вуста, Южная Эль-Батина, Южная Эш-Шаркия. Административное деление Омана | Список местностей Омана. Цены на туры на ближайший месяц в Оман. Поиск туров в Оман. Фильтр по категории отеля 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Цены за двух человек в номере. 4 ноч.

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Holding a strategically important position at the mouth of the Persian Gulf , the country shares land borders with the United Arab Emirates to the northwest, Saudi Arabia to the west, and Yemen to the southwest, and shares marine borders with Iran and Pakistan. The coast is formed by the Arabian Sea on the southeast and the Gulf of Oman on the northeast. At its peak in the 19th century, Omani influence or control extended across the Strait of Hormuz to modern-day Iran and Pakistan, and as far south as Zanzibar. For over years, the relations built between the two empires were based on mutual benefits. Historically, Muscat was the principal trading port of the Persian Gulf region. Muscat was also among the most important trading ports of the Indian Ocean. Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said was the hereditary leader of the country, which is an absolute monarchy , from until his death on 10 January It has sizeable oil reserves, ranking 25th globally. Oman is categorized as a high-income economy and ranks as the 69th most peaceful country in the world according to the Global Peace Index. At Aybut Al Auwal, in the Dhofar Governorate of Oman, a site was discovered in containing more than surface scatters of stone tools, belonging to a regionally specific African lithic industry —the late Nubian Complex—known previously only from the northeast and Horn of Africa. Two optically stimulated luminescence age estimates place the Arabian Nubian Complex at , years old. This supports the proposition that early human populations moved from Africa into Arabia during the Late Pleistocene. In recent years known primarily from survey finds, Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites have come to light most on the eastern coast. Sites such as Bat show professional wheel-turned pottery, excellent hand-made stone vessels, a metals industry and monumental architecture. Thereafter, until the coming of the Ibadhidya, little or nothing is known. During the 8th century BC, it is believed that the Yaarub, the descendant of Kahtan , ruled the entire Yemen, including Oman. In the s and s scholars like John C. Wilkinson \\\[24\\\] believed by virtue of oral history that in the 6th century BC, the Achaemenids exerted control over the Omani peninsula, most likely ruling from a coastal centre such as Suhar. Whether or not Persians brought south-eastern Arabian under their control is a moot point, since the lack of Persian finds speak against this belief. Over centuries tribes from the west settled in Oman, making a living by fishing, farming, herding or stock breeding, and many present day Omani families trace their ancestral roots to other parts of Arabia. Arab migration to Oman started from northern-western and south-western Arabia and those who chose to settle had to compete with the indigenous population for the best arable land. When Arab tribes started to migrate to Oman, there were two distinct groups. One group, a segment of the Azd tribe migrated from southwest of Arabia in A. Other historians believe that the Yaarubah, like the Azd, from Qahtan but belong to an older branch, were the first settlers of Oman from Yemen, and then came the Azd. Malik, with an armed force of more than men and horses, fought against Marzban of the Sasanian Empire in the battle of Salut in Oman and eventually defeated the Persian empire. In the 7th century AD, Omanis came in contact with and accepted Islam. Amer was dispatched to meet with Jaifer and Abd, the sons of Julanda who ruled Oman. They appear to have readily embraced Islam. Omani Azd used to travel to Basra for trade, which was a centre of Islam during the Umayyad empire. Omani Azd were granted a section of Basra, where they could settle and attend their needs. Many of the Omani Azd who settled in Basra became wealthy merchants and under their leader Muhallab bin Abi Sufrah started to expand the influence of power east towards Khorasan. Later, Alhajjaj , the governor of Iraq, came into conflict with the Ibadhis, which forced them out to Oman. Among those who returned to Oman was the scholar Jaber bin Zaid. His return and the return of many other scholars greatly enhanced the Ibadhi movement in Oman. Alhajjaj dispatched Mujjaah bin Shiwah who was confronted by Said bin Abbad. Thus, Said and his forces resorted to the Jebel Akhdar. Mujjaah and his forces went after Said and his forces and succeeded in besieging them from a position in 'Wade Mastall'. Mujjaah later moved towards the coast where he confronted Suleiman bin Abbad. Alhajjaj, however, sent another force under Abdulrahman bin Suleiman and eventually won the war and took over the governance of Oman. During the 11th and 12th centuries, Oman was controlled by the Seljuk Empire. They were expelled in , when the Nabhani dynasty came to power. The capital of the dynasty was Bahla. Their fortress still remains. In need of an outpost to protect their sea lanes, the Portuguese built up and fortified the city, where remnants of their colonial architectural style still exist. The Ottoman Turks temporarily captured Muscat from the Portuguese in and held it until During the 17th century, the Omanis were reunited by the Yaruba Imams. Nasir bin Murshid became the first Yaarubah Imam in , when he was elected in Rustak. In , Zanzibar was captured from the Portuguese. A major obstacle to his progress was Fort Jesus , housing the garrison of a Portuguese settlement at Mombasa. After a two-year siege, the fort fell to Saif bin Sultan in Thereafter the Omanis easily ejected the Portuguese from other African coastal regions including Kilwa and Pemba. Saif bin Sultan occupied Bahrain in Qeshm was captured in A Persian force arrived in March to aid Saif. From their base at Julfar, the Persian forces eventually rebelled against the Yaruba in The Persian empire colonised Oman for a short period until Since the Yaruba dynasty, the Omanis kept the elective system but, provided that the person is deemed qualified, gave preference to a member of the ruling family. His son, Seyyid Hamed bin Said, overthrew the representative of the Imam in Muscat and obtained the possession of Muscat fortress. Hamed ruled as 'Seyyid'. Seyyid Said bin Sultan succeeded Sultan bin Ahmed. His rule started in However, the British refused to accept Imam Azzan as a ruler. The refusal played an instrumental role in deposing Imam Azzan in by a sultan who Britain deemed to be more acceptable. This coastal city is located in the Makran region of what is now the far southwestern corner of Pakistan, near the present-day border of Iran , at the mouth of the Gulf of Oman. The British empire was keen to dominate southeast Arabia to stifle the growing power of other European states and to curb the Omani maritime power that grew during the 17th century. The treaty was to block commercial competition of the French and the Dutch as well as obtain a concession to build a British factory at Bandar Abbas. In , a deed of cession of the Omani Kuria Muria islands to Britain was signed by the sultan of Muscat and the British government. Rivalry between his two sons was resolved, with the help of forceful British diplomacy, when one of them, Majid , succeeded to Zanzibar and to the many regions claimed by the family on the Swahili Coast. The other son, Thuwaini , inherited Muscat and Oman. Zanzibar influences in the Comoros archipelago in the Indian Ocean indirectly introduced Omani customs to the Comorian culture. These influences include clothing traditions and wedding ceremonies. The Al Hajar Mountains , of which the Jebel Akhdar is a part, separate the country into two distinct regions: the interior, known as Oman, and the coastal area dominated by the capital, Muscat. The treaty was brokered by Britain, which had no economic interest in the interior of Oman during that point of time. The treaty granted autonomous rule to the Imamate in the interior of Oman and recognized the sovereignty of the coast of Oman, the Sultanate of Muscat. On 10 January , an agreement between the Sultanate and the British government was signed in which the Sultanate had to consult with the British political agent residing in Muscat and obtain the approval of the High Government of India to extract oil in the Sultanate. The agreement stipulated that none of the signatories was allowed to pursue the establishment of oil concessions within the agreed on area without including all other stakeholders. Said bin Taimur became the sultan of Muscat officially on 10 February The rule of sultan Said bin Taimur , who was backed by the British government, was characterized as being feudal , reactionary and isolationist. After failing to discover oil in the Sultanate, IPC was intensely interested in some promising geological formations near Fahud , an area located within the Imamate. IPC offered financial support to the sultan to raise an armed force against any potential resistance by the Imamate. In , the exclave coastal Makran strip acceded to Pakistan and was made a district of its Balochistan province , while Gwadar was not included in Makran then. Sultan Said bin Taimur expressed his interest to the British government in occupying the Imamate right after the death of Imam Alkhalili and take advantage of potential instability that may occur within the Imamate when elections were due. Under the terms of the treaty of Seeb, the Sultan, backed by the British government, claimed all dealings with the oil company as his prerogative. The Imam, on the other hand, claimed that since the oil was in the Imamate territory, anything dealing with it was an internal matter. Oil reserves were discovered in and extraction began in In the Dhofar Rebellion , which began in , pro-Soviet forces were pitted against government troops. After deposing his father in , Sultan Qaboos opened up the country, embarked on economic reforms, and followed a policy of modernisation marked by increased spending on health, education and welfare. In Oman became a founding member of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council. Political reforms were eventually introduced. Historically, voters had been chosen from among tribal leaders, intellectuals and businessmen. In Sultan Qaboos decreed that women could vote for, and stand for election to, the Majlis al-Shura, the Consultative Assembly of Oman. Two women were duly elected to the body. In , voting rights were extended to all citizens over the age of 21, and the first elections to the Consultative Assembly under the new rules were held in The Sultan continued to rule by decree. Nearly suspected Islamists were arrested in and 31 people were convicted of trying to overthrow the government. They were ultimately pardoned in June of the same year. Inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings taking place throughout the region, protests occurred in Oman during the early months of Although they did not call for the ousting of the regime, demonstrators demanded political reforms, improved living conditions and the creation of more jobs. They were dispersed by riot police in February Sultan Qaboos reacted by promising jobs and benefits. In October , elections were held to the Consultative Assembly, to which Sultan Qaboos promised greater powers. The following year, the government began a crackdown on internet criticism. Qaboos died on 10 January , and the government declared three days of national mourning. He was buried the next day. During past epochs, Oman was covered by ocean, witnessed by the large numbers of fossilized shells existing in areas of the desert away from the modern coastline. The peninsula of Musandam Musandem exclave , which has a strategic location on the Strait of Hormuz , is separated from the rest of Oman by the United Arab Emirates. The central desert of Oman is an important source of meteorites for scientific analysis. In the south, the Dhofar Mountains area near Salalah has a tropical-like climate and receives seasonal rainfall from late June to late September as a result of monsoon winds from the Indian Ocean, leaving the summer air saturated with cool moisture and heavy fog. On 26 June the city of Qurayyat set the record for highest minimum temperature in a hour period, Desert shrub and desert grass, common to southern Arabia, are found in Oman, but vegetation is sparse in the interior plateau, which is largely gravel desert. The greater monsoon rainfall in Dhofar and the mountains makes the growth there more luxuriant during summer; coconut palms grow plentifully in the coastal plains of Dhofar and frankincense is produced in the hills, with abundant oleander and varieties of acacia. The Al Hajar Mountains are a distinct ecoregion , the highest points in eastern Arabia with wildlife including the Arabian tahr. Indigenous mammals include the leopard , hyena , fox, wolf , hare, oryx and ibex. Birds include the vulture, eagle, stork, bustard, Arabian partridge, bee eater, falcon and sunbird. In , Oman had nine endangered species of mammals, five endangered types of birds, \\\[ citation needed \\\] and nineteen threatened plant species. Decrees have been passed to protect endangered species, including the Arabian leopard , Arabian oryx , mountain gazelle , goitered gazelle , Arabian tahr , green sea turtle , hawksbill turtle and olive ridley turtle. In recent years, Oman has become one of newer hot spots for whale watching , highlighting the critically endangered Arabian humpback whale , the most isolated and only non- migratory population in the world, sperm whales and pygmy blue whales. In terms of climate action, 'major challenges' remain to be solved, as per United Nations Sustainable Development index. Drinking water is available throughout Oman, either piped or delivered. The soil in coastal plains, such as Salalah, have shown increased levels of salinity, due to over exploitation of ground water and encroachment by seawater on the water table. Pollution of beaches and other coastal areas by oil tanker traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman is also a persistent concern. Local and national entities have noted unethical treatment of animals in Oman. In particular, stray dogs and to a lesser extent, stray cats are often the victims of torture, abuse or neglect. The Oman government has refused to implement a spay and neuter programme or create any animal shelters in the country. Cats, while seen as more acceptable than dogs, are viewed as pests and frequently die of starvation or illness. The country ranked th in Asia among the list of highest polluted cities. Oman is a unitary state and an absolute monarchy , \\\[\\\] in which all legislative, executive and judiciary power ultimately rests in the hands of the hereditary Sultan. Freedom House has routinely rated the country 'Not Free' as it is an absolute monarchy. The sultan is the head of state and directly controls the foreign affairs and defence portfolios. The judiciary branch is subordinate to the Sultan. Sharia court departments within the civil court system are responsible for family-law matters, such as divorce and inheritance. The country has no system of checks and balances, and thus no separation of powers. The administration of justice is highly personalized, with limited due process protections, especially in political and security-related cases. The Basic Statute was issued in and thus far has only been amended once, in , \\\[\\\] in response to protests. Since the beginning of the 'Omani Spring' in January , a number of serious violations of civil rights have been reported, amounting to a critical deterioration of the human rights situation. There have been numerous testimonies of torture and other inhumane forms of punishment perpetrated by security forces on protesters and detainees. Oman is an absolute monarchy by male primogeniture. Qaboos bin Said al Said served as the hereditary leader of the country from until his death in Homosexual acts are illegal in Oman. The Omani government decides who can or cannot be a journalist and this permission can be withdrawn at any time. The law prohibits criticism of the Sultan and government in any form or medium. Merely mentioning the existence of such restrictions can land Omanis in trouble. Faced with so many restrictions, Omanis have resorted to unconventional methods for expressing their views. There is no way in which police can maintain dignity in seizing and destroying a donkey on whose flank a political message has been inscribed. Omani citizens need government permission to marry foreigners. In August , The Omani writer and human rights defender Mohammed Alfazari , the founder and editor-in-chief of the e-magazine Mowatin 'Citizen', disappeared after going to the police station in the Al-Qurum district of Muscat. The National Human Rights Commission, established in , is not independent from the regime. Since the beginning of the 'Omani Spring' in January , a number of serious violations of civil rights has been reported, amounting to a critical deterioration of the human rights situation. In January , Omani intelligence agents arrested a Bahraini actor and handed him over to the Bahraini authorities on the same day of his arrest. The plight of domestic workers in Oman is a taboo subject. Since , Oman has pursued a moderate foreign policy, and has expanded its diplomatic relations dramatically. Oman is among the very few Arab countries that have maintained friendly ties with Iran. The Royal Household maintained 5, Guards, 1, in Special Forces, sailors in the Royal Yacht fleet, and pilots and ground personnel in the Royal Flight squadrons. Oman also maintains a modestly sized paramilitary force of 4, men. The Royal Army of Oman had 25, active personnel in , plus a small contingent of Royal Household troops. Despite a comparative large military spending, it has been relatively slow to modernise its forces. Oman has a relatively limited number of tanks, including 6 M60A1 , 73 M60A3 and 38 Challenger 2 main battle tanks, as well as 37 aging Scorpion light tanks. The Royal Air Force of Oman has approximately 4, men, with only 36 combat aircraft and no armed helicopters. Combat aircraft include 20 aging Jaguars , 12 Hawk Mk s, 4 Hawk Mk s and 12 PC-9 turboprop trainers with a limited combat capability. The Royal Navy of Oman had 4, men in , and is headquartered at Seeb. In , Oman had 10 surface combat vessels. These included two 1,ton Qahir class corvettes , and 8 ocean-going patrol boats. Oman also had at least four landing craft. They were built at Portsmouth. The Sultanate is administratively divided into eleven governorates. Governorates are, in turn, divided into 60 wilayats. In terms of monetary value, mineral fuels accounted for Half of the private sector jobs are classified as elementary. One third of employed Omanis are in the private sector, while the remaining majority are in the public sector. Since a slump in oil prices in , Oman has made active plans to diversify its economy and is placing a greater emphasis on other areas of industry, namely tourism and infrastructure. Oman then established Vision. A free-trade agreement with the United States took effect 1 January , eliminated tariff barriers on all consumer and industrial products, and also provided strong protections for foreign businesses investing in Oman. During this latter event the mountains surrounding Salalah are popular with tourists as a result of the cool weather and lush greenery, rarely found anywhere else in Oman. Salaries for overseas workers are known to be less than for Omani nationals, though still from two to five times higher than for the equivalent job in India. Oman, in had a budget deficit of 32 percent of total revenue and a government debt to GDP of Oil and gas sector represented This 16th iteration of the event will be held between 24 and 26 February , in collaboration with Oman LNG , under the auspices of the Ministry of Oil and Gas. Tourism in Oman has grown considerably recently, and it is expected to be one of the largest industries in the country. Tourism contributed 2. Citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC , including Omanis who are residing outside of Oman, represent the highest ratio of all tourists visiting Oman, estimated to be 48 percent. The second highest number of visitors come from other Asian countries, who account for 17 percent of the total number of visitors. Another key issue to the tourism sector is deepening the understanding of the ecosystem and biodiversity in Oman to guarantee their protection and preservation. Oman has one of the most diverse environments in the Middle East with various tourist attractions and is particularly well known for adventure and cultural tourism. In November , Oman made the rule of visa on arrival an exception and introduced the concept of e-visa for tourists from all nationalities. In industry, innovation and infrastructure, Oman is still faced with 'significant challenges', as per United Nations Sustainable Development Goals index, as of Oman has scored high on the rates of internet use, mobile broadband subscriptions, logistics performance and on the average of top 3 university rankings. Oman is refurbishing and expanding the ports infrastructure in Muscat, Duqm, Sohar and Salalah to expand tourism, local production and export shares. Oman is also expanding its downstream operations by constructing a refinery and petrochemical plant in Duqm with a , barrels per day capacity projected for completion by The industrial activity is mainly focused on mining-and-services, petrochemicals and construction materials. Construction accounts for nearly 48 percent of the total labour force, followed by wholesale-and-retail, which accounts for around 15 percent of total employment and manufacturing, which accounts for around 12 percent of employment in the private sector. The percentage of Omanis employed in the construction and manufacturing sectors is nevertheless low, as of statistics. Oman, as per Global Innovation Index report, scores 'below expectations' in innovation relative to countries classified under high income. Another challenge to innovation is the dutch disease phenomenon, which creates an oil and gas investment lock-in, while relying heavily on imported products and services in other sectors. Such a locked-in system hinders local business growth and global competitiveness in other sectors, and thus impedes economic diversification. The other main importers are Saudi Arabia, Brazil and China. The ratio of exported fish to total fish captured in tons fluctuated between 49 and 61 percent between and Oman, on the other hand, lacks sufficient infrastructure, research and development, quality and safety monitoring, together with a limited contribution by the fishing industry to GDP. Dates represent 80 percent of all fruit crop production. Further, date farms employ 50 percent of the total agricultural area in the country. The vast majority of date production 75 percent comes from only 10 cultivars. The main importer is India around 60 percent of all imports. Oman is considered to have good infrastructure for date production and support provision to cultivation and marketing, but lacks innovation in farming and cultivation, industrial coordination in the supply chain and encounter high losses of unused dates. Nearly 50 percent of the population lives in Muscat and the Batinah coastal plain northwest of the capital. Omani people are predominantly of Arab , Baluchi and African origins. Omani society is largely tribal \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] and encompasses three major identities: \\\[\\\] that of the tribe, the Ibadi faith and maritime trade. Religion in Oman \\\[\\\]. Virtually all non-Muslims in Oman are foreign workers. Christian communities are centred in the major urban areas of Muscat , Sohar and Salalah. These include Catholic , Eastern Orthodox and various Protestant congregations, organising along linguistic and ethnic lines. More than 50 different Christian groups, fellowships and assemblies are active in the Muscat metropolitan area, formed by migrant workers from Southeast Asia. There are also communities of ethnic Indian Hindus and Christians. Muscat has two Hindu temples. One of them is over a hundred years old. There is a significant Sikh community in Oman. Though there are no permanent gurdwaras , many smaller gurdwaras in makeshift camps exist and are recognised by the government. The Government of India had signed an accord in with the Omani government to build a permanent gurdwara but little progress has been made on the matter. Arabic is the official language of Oman. It belongs to the Semitic branch of the Afroasiatic family. But until the 18th or 19th century it was spoken further north, perhaps into Central Oman. Oman was also the first Arab country in the Persian Gulf to have German taught as a second language. Omani dialects preserve much vocabulary which has been lost in other Arabic dialects. Holes has argued convincingly that Omani Arabic has indigenous characteristics of its own which do not derive from Bedouin central Arabia. They are better preserved than in neighbouring countries. Almost all signs and writings appear in both Arabic and English at tourist sites. It is also used by some descendants of Sindhi sailors. Additionally, Swahili is widely spoken in the country due to the historical relations between Oman and Zanzibar. Outwardly, Oman shares many of the cultural characteristics of its Arab neighbours, particularly those in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Sur was one of the most famous shipbuilding cities of the Indian Ocean. The Al Ghanja ship takes one whole year to build. The wreck was initially discovered in Later underwater excavations took place between and through a partnership between the Oman Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Blue Water Recoveries Ltd. The male national dress in Oman consists of the dishdasha , a simple, ankle-length, collarless gown with long sleeves. Its main adornment, a tassel furakha sewn into the neckline, can be impregnated with perfume. The most noted regional differences in dishdasha designs are the style with which they are embroidered, which varies according to age group. The embroidery edging the cloak is often in silver or gold thread and it is intricate in detail. Some men carry the assa , a stick, which can have practical uses or is simply used as an accessory during formal events. Omani men, on the whole, wear sandals on their feet. The khanjar dagger forms part of the national dress and men wear the khanjar on all formal public occasions and festivals. Sheaths may vary from simple covers to ornate silver or gold-decorated pieces. A depiction of a khanjar appears on the national flag. Omani women wear eye-catching national costumes, with distinctive regional variations. All costumes incorporate vivid colours and vibrant embroidery and decorations. The dishdasha is worn over a pair of loose fitting trousers, tight at the ankles, known as a sirwal. Women also wear a head shawl most commonly referred to as the lihaf. As of \\\[update\\\] women reserve wearing their traditional dress for special occasions, and instead wear a loose black cloak called an abaya over their personal choice of clothing, whilst in some regions, particularly amongst the Bedouin, the burqa is still worn. The Sultan has forbidden the covering of faces in public office. There are over different forms of traditional Omani songs and dances. The Oman Centre for Traditional Music was established in to preserve them. Instead of engaging foreign musicians, he decided to establish an orchestra made up of Omanis. The cinema of Oman is very small, there being only one Omani film Al-Boom as of \\\[update\\\]. It belongs to the Jawad Sultan Group of Companies, which has a history spanning more than 40 years in the Sultanate of Oman. The government has continuously held a monopoly on television in Oman. Oman TV is the only state-owned national television channel broadcaster in Oman. It began broadcasting for the first time from Muscat on 17 November and separately from Salalah on 25 November On 1 June , the two stations at Muscat and Salalah linked by satellite to form a unified broadcasting service. Although private ownership of radio and television stations is permitted, Oman has only one privately owned television channel. It began broadcasting on January Oman Radio is the first and only state-owned radio channel. In early , Muscat Media Group MMG , trend-setting media group founded by late Essa bin Mohammed Al Zedjali, launched a new private radio stations in hopes of catering educative and entertaining programmes to the youth of the Sultanate. Oman has nine main newspapers, five in Arabic and four in English. The media landscape in Oman has been continuously described as restrictive, censored, and subdued. Azamn was not allowed to reopen in although an appeal court ruled in late that the paper can resume operating. Traditional art in Oman stems from its long heritage of material culture. Art movements in the 20th century reveal that the art scene in Oman began with early practices that included a range of tribal handicrafts and self-portraiture in painting since the s. Bait Muzna Gallery is the first art gallery in Oman. Established in by Sayyida Susan Al Said, Bait Muzna has served as a platform for emerging Omani artists to showcase their talent and place themselves on the wider art scene. In , Bait Muzna opened a second space in Salalah to branch out and support art film and the digital art scene. The gallery has been primarily active as an art consultancy. It showcases national heritage from the earliest human settlement in Oman two million years ago through to the present day. The museum takes a further step by presenting information on the material in Arabic Braille script for the visually impaired, the first museum to do this in the Gulf region. The Omani Society for Fine Arts, established in , offers educational programmes, workshops and artist grants for practitioners across varied disciplines. In , the organisation opened its first exhibition on graphic design. The organisation has additional branches in Sohar , Buraimi and Salalah. Bait Al- Zubair Museum is a private, family-funded museum that opened its doors to the public in Located within Bait Al-Zubair, Gallery Sarah, which opened in October , offers an array of paintings and photographs by established local and international artists. The gallery also occasionally holds lectures and workshops. Omani cuisine is diverse and has been influenced by many cultures. Omanis usually eat their main daily meal at midday, while the evening meal is lighter. However, these dinner timings differ according to each family; for instance, some families would choose to eat right after maghrib prayers and have dessert after taraweeh. Arsia, a festival meal served during celebrations, consists of mashed rice and meat sometimes chicken. Another popular festival meal, shuwa, consists of meat cooked very slowly sometimes for up to 2 days in an underground clay oven. The meat becomes extremely tender and it is infused with spices and herbs before cooking to give it a very distinct taste. Fish is often used in main dishes too, and the kingfish is a popular ingredient. Mashuai is a meal consisting of a whole spit-roasted kingfish served with lemon rice. Rukhal bread is a thin, round bread originally baked over a fire made from palm leaves. It is eaten at any meal, typically served with Omani honey for breakfast or crumbled over curry for dinner. Chicken, fish, and lamb or mutton are regularly used in dishes. The Omani halwa is a very popular sweet, basically consisting of cooked raw sugar with nuts. There are many different flavors, the most popular ones being black halwa original and saffron halwa. Halwa is considered as a symbol of Omani hospitality, and is traditionally served with coffee. As is the case with most Arab states of the Persian Gulf , alcohol is only available over-the-counter to non-Muslims. Muslims can still purchase alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is served in many hotels and a few restaurants. In October , the Omani government set up a Ministry of Sports Affairs to replace the General Organisation for youth, sports and cultural affairs. The 19th Arabian Gulf Cup took place in Muscat , from 4 to 17 January and was won by the Omani national football team. The 23rd Arabian Gulf Cup that took place in Kuwait , from 22 December until 5 January with Oman winning their second title, defeating the United Arab Emirates in the final on penalties following a goalless draw. Ali Al-Habsi is an Omani professional association football player. As of \\\[update\\\] , he plays in the Football League Championship as a goalkeeper for Reading. The Oman Olympic Committee played a major part in organising the highly successful Olympic Days, which were of great benefit to the sports associations, clubs and young participants. The football association took part, along with the handball , basketball , rugby union , hockey , volleyball , athletics , swimming and tennis associations. In Muscat hosted the Asian Beach Games. Oman also hosts tennis tournaments in different age divisions each year. The Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex stadium contains a meter swimming pool which is used for international tournaments from different schools in different countries. The Tour of Oman, a professional cycling 6-day stage race, takes place in February. It involves two bulls of the Brahman breed pitted against one another and as the name implies, they engage in a forceful barrage of headbutts. The first one to collapse or concede its ground is declared the loser. Most bull-butting matches are short affairs and last for less than 5 minutes. Yet others say it has a direct connection with Portugal , which colonised the Omani coastline for nearly two centuries. They have also been granted T20I status as they were among the top six teams in the qualifiers. Oman scored high as of on the percentage of students who complete lower secondary school and on the literacy rate between the age of 15 and 24, Accreditation standards and mechanisms with a quality control that focuses on input assessments, rather than output, are areas of improvement in Oman, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report. The adult literacy rate in was Today, there are over 1, state schools and about , students. The University of Nizwa is one of the fastest growing universities in Oman. Some scholarships are awarded each year for study abroad. According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities , the top-ranking universities in the country are Sultan Qaboos University th worldwide , the Dhofar University th and the University of Nizwa rd. Since , the percentage of Omani children who receive key vaccines has consistently been very high above 99 percent. Life expectancy at birth in Oman was estimated to be Oman has been making strides in health research too recently. Comprehensive research on the prevalence of skin diseases was performed in North batinah governorate. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the Arabian sultanate. For the adjacent historical confederation named Trucial Oman, see Trucial States. For other uses, see Oman disambiguation. Not to be confused with Amman , which has the same spelling in Arabic as Oman. Country on the Arabian Peninsula. National emblem. Website www. Main article: History of Oman. Further information: Nabhani dynasty. Further information: Omani Empire. A British naval squadron in Muscat. Further information: Jebel Akhdar War. Further information: Dhofar Rebellion. Main article: Climate of Oman. See also: Wildlife of Oman. Main articles: Politics of Oman and Human rights in Oman. Main article: Human rights in Oman. Main article: Migrant workers in the Gulf region. Main article: Foreign relations of Oman. Main article: Regions and governorates of Oman. Main article: Economy of Oman. United Arab Emirates Kuwait 4. Other Main article: Tourism in Oman. Main article: Demographics of Oman. Main article: Islam in Oman. Further information: Freedom of religion in Oman. Christianity 6. Hinduism 5. Buddhism 0. Unaffiliated 0. Judaism 0. Main article: Culture of Oman. Main article: Omani cuisine. Main article: Education in Oman. Main article: Healthcare in Oman. Oman portal. Said was granted the Kalat share of the revenues of Gwadar and lived there until when he came to rule over Muscat and Oman. Government of Oman. Archived from the original on 22 December Retrieved 13 October MSN Encarta. Archived from the original on 28 October In Ibadi Muslims, a moderate branch of the Kharijites, established an imamate in Oman. Despite interruptions, the Ibadi imamate survived until the midth century. Retrieved 9 November Archived from the original PDF on 18 May Retrieved 7 January International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 20 October United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 10 December BTI Project. Retrieved 19 August Retrieved 12 January BBC News. Retrieved 18 January Gulf News. Archived from the original on 9 November Retrieved 29 October Retrieved 5 December Natural History , VI. Brill Leiden , Bibcode : PLoSO Rose et al. University of Pennsylvania Museum. British National Archive. Page Clarendon Press. Harrassowitz Verlag. Retrieved 14 January Saudi Aramco World. March Archived from the original on 6 October Motilal Banarsidass Publisher. Global Security. Fahm in historiographic context by Brian Ulrich 21 July '. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Oman Since Princeton Legacy Library. Retrieved 17 April United States Department of State. Retrieved 9 July Oman adopted Islam in the seventh century A. Notes and Memoranda of Oman Hans kruse. Disturbances in Oman: Notes and Memoranda of Oman. Sage Journals. Pages — The Geographical Journal. Apollo Books. University of Arizona Press. The Rough Guide to Oman. Oman Country Profile. British Library Partnership. Qatar Digital Library. Oman and the Trucial Coast. Pages 65— The Australian Quarterly. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Archived from the original on 9 June Retrieved 27 July British National Archives. The Guardian. United Nations: Question of Oman. United Nations. Al-Fanar Media. 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Archived from the original PDF on 23 July Retrieved 18 August Archived from the original PDF on 17 January Arab Parliaments. Archived from the original on 5 June The World Factbook. The Independent. Gulf Center for Human Rights. Retrieved 29 December Archived from the original on 28 December US Department of State. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved 2 March Front Line Defenders. Amnesty International. Archived from the original on 6 March Bahrain Center for Human Rights. Mideast Posts. Muscat Daily. The Times of India. Archived from the original PDF on 1 January Al-Azri Fox News Channel. Archived from the original on 15 December Archived from the original on 27 October The Indian Express. Retrieved Cordesman; Khalid R. Al-Rodhan 28 June Center for Strategic and International Studies. Maritime Photographic. Archived from the original on 13 October Retrieved 21 January Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Archived from the original on 28 March Archived from the original on 31 July Ministry of Information, Sultanate of Oman. Archived from the original on 8 December Ministry Of Legal Affairs. Archived from the original PDF on 26 June September Journal of Academic and Applied Studies. Archived from the original on 29 April The World Bank. Archived from the original on 2 March Retrieved 16 February Ministry of Oil and Gas. Archived from the original on 11 August Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2 : Archived from the original PDF on 9 May The National. Archived from the original on 31 December Business Live Middle East. Retrieved 5 September Retrieved 9 June Retrieved 26 June Archived from the original on 25 June Lonely Planet. Heart Retrieved 11 November Arabian Business. Archived from the original PDF on 14 May Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 30 June Oman is unusual because its Sunni and Shia residents are outnumbered by a third sect, the Ibadis, who constitute more than half the population. Oman News Agency. Archived from the original on 5 December Al Arabiya. Archived from the original on 15 January Retrieved 19 January Stiegener ed. Selz ed. May Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Leadership Studies. Ministry of Tourism, Sultanate of Oman. National Geographic. Retrieved 15 March Omani Students Society. Oman Cultural Days Exhibition. Archived from the original on 9 April Oman Centre for Traditional Music. Archived from the original on 15 March Oman Tours. Archived from the original on 7 May About Us. Retrieved 4 March , from 'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 13 February Retrieved 3 March Archived from the original on 27 August Policy' PDF. Congressional Research Service. Times of Oman. Retrieved 27 November Reports Without Borders. ART AsiaPacific. Retrieved 28 November Retrieved 11 January Archived from the original on 14 May Retrieved 24 September Rough Guides. Travels with My Hat. Archived from the original on 1 October Retrieved 8 October Ranking Web of Universities. Archived from the original on 21 February Retrieved 26 February Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology. World Health Organization. Outline Index. Related articles. Middle East. Countries and dependencies of Asia. Dependencies and special administrative regions. Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Islands. Hong Kong Macau. Book Category Asia portal. Countries bordering the Persian Gulf. Countries and territories bordering the Indian Ocean. Countries and regions in the Arabian Plate. Countries bordering the Arabian Sea. Gulf Cooperation Council. Arab League. Arab League Lists. South Sudan. Moro National Liberation Front. List of current sovereign monarchs List of current constituent monarchs. Eswatini Lesotho Morocco. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag National emblem. Location of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula red. Ibadi Islam official. Unitary parliamentary absolute monarchy. Haitham bin Tariq Al Said. Fahd bin Mahmoud al Said \\\[1\\\]. Council of State Majlis al-Dawla. Consultative Assembly Majlis al-Shura. Rial OMR. Total \\\[\\\]. Muscat Seeb. Salalah Bawshar. Al Batinah. Az Zahirah. Scholia has a topic profile for Oman. Outline Index Category Portal. Africa Eswatini Lesotho Morocco.

Оман — старейшее независимое государство Персидского залива, которое ничем не напоминает другие популярные места отдыха. Несмотря на модернизацию и глобализацию, Оман сохраняет национальную идентичность и собственную культуру.  Оман — старейшее независимое государство Персидского залива, которое ничем не напоминает другие популярные места отдыха. Несмотря на модернизацию и.

Гидра анион Назрань

Оман. Географическое положение. Султанат Оман расположен на юго-восточной оконечности Аравийского полуострова. На севере граничит с Объединенными Арабскими Эмиратами, на северо-западе - с Саудовской Аравией, на западе - с Йеменом. Анклавы Мадха и полуостров Мусандам отделены от основной территории Омана и граничат, соответственно, с Объединенными Арабскими Эмиратами и Ираном (по Ормузскому проливу).

Сколькко стоит Метамфетамин в Пятигорске

Оман - старейшее независимое государство Персидского залива, которое ничем не напоминает другие популярные места отдыха. Несмотря на модернизацию и глобализацию, Оман сохраняет национальную идентичность и собственную культуру.  Оман. Оман — старейшее независимое государство Персидского залива, которое ничем не напоминает другие популярные места отдыха. Несмотря на.

Hydra ФЕНТАНИЛ Гродно

Оман на карте мира - схематической или спутниковой. Поиск на карте по адресу или названию населённого пункта.

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