ONLINE it by Inger Christensen itunes value txt mobile download

ONLINE it by Inger Christensen itunes value txt mobile download

ONLINE it by Inger Christensen itunes value txt mobile download

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Book description
it is the masterwork by Danish poet Inger Christensen (a true singer of the syllables, said C. D. Wright), often cited as a Nobel contender and one of Europes most revered poets. On its publication in 1969, it took Denmark by storm, winning critical praise and becoming a huge popular favorite. Translated into many languages, it won international acclaim and is now a classic of modern Scandinavian is both a collection of poems and a single poetic epic, forming a philosophical statement on the nature of language, perception, and reality. The subject matter, though, is down to earth: amoebas, stones, and factories; fear, sea urchins, and mental institutions; sand, sexuality, and song. The words and images of it recur in ways reminiscent of Christensens other works, but here is a younger poetry, wilder, and crackling with energy. The marvelous and complex use of mathematical structure in it is faithfully captured in Susanna Nieds English translation, which won a 2005 PEN Translation Fund Award.
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