ONLINE Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life by David Zinczenko download via pc without registering bookstore

ONLINE Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life by David Zinczenko download via pc without registering bookstore

ONLINE Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life by David Zinczenko

> READ BOOK > Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life

> ONLINE BOOK > Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life

Book description

Book description
Written in an easy-to-read style, yet packed with medical and health research. The author cites many studies and other data in accessible language; he follows up with a diet plan that is easy to understand and follow. I had recently learned that too much sugar in one’s diet can lead to inflammation throughout the body, which causes joint and nerve pain, digestive problems and other serious health concerns. Yet, I was skeptical about my ability to eliminate or reduce sugar. I’m a believer after reading this book. This is not an extreme or dramatic change to lifestyle. The author explains simple ways to reduce “added sugar” in one’s diet, one of which is simply reading labels and changing your shopping list a bit. For example, I was surprised that most bottled spaghetti sauces has sugar (in many forms) added. I now purchase a brand that does not add sugar, along with many other no-added-sugar (or artificial sweetener, which is worse for your health) products. My husband and I did the 14-day first phase, and both had favorable results -- weight loss, no sugar cravings or withdrawal, no hunger pangs. We are also enjoying reduced joint pain and increased energy. The best part is that this new way of eating has been easy to maintain (we’ve be at it about a month now); we don’t feel deprived in the least. I know it sounds too good to be true. I’m just glad I set aside my skepticism to give this a try. This is a fabulous book for anyone who wants to improve overall health and loose a bit of weight.
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