ONLINE X-Men: Curse of the Mutants by Victor Gischler (Writer) price access online tom full version

ONLINE X-Men: Curse of the Mutants by Victor Gischler (Writer) price access online tom full version

ONLINE X-Men: Curse of the Mutants by Victor Gischler (Writer) price access online tom full version

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Book description
When a suicide bomber strikes in downtown San Francisco, it gets the immediate attention of the X-Men. But this is not your garden variety terrorist - and hes not acting alone. Vampires from around the globe are descending en masse on the City by the Bay, staking a brutal claim for the patch of land the X-Men call their home. What is their agenda? Who is their mysterious leader? The X-Men are about to find out, as they brace themselves for a war of the species that will rock the Marvel Universe! Collecting: X-Men 1-6, material from X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga, Spotlight
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