ONLINE Witch Storm by James Clemens (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

ONLINE Witch Storm by James Clemens (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

ONLINE Witch Storm by James Clemens (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

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Book description
Elena bears the mark of the witch upon her palm, the crimson stain that testifies to the awesome power of unimaginable potency: wild seductive, and difficult to control. Only a mistress of blood magick can stand against the foul minions and all-corrupting evil of the Dark Lord. But Elena is not yet the mistress of her magick. Protected by an ageless warrior and a band of renegades, she quests for a lost city where prophecies speak of a mystic tome that holds the key to the Dark Lords defeat. But if the Dark Lord finds her first, Elena will become his most fearsome weapon.A different form of power touches Sy-wen, girl-child of an ocean-dwelling clan that bonds-mates to the terrible and majestic sea dragons. But bonds more ancient still tie Sy-wen to the land she does not know, to a man she has never seen...and to a legend asleep in stone deep beneath Aloa Glen-a legend beginning to wake.Now, as Elena and Sy-wen converge on Aloa Glen from land and sea, will the forces they unleash lead to a future of freedom-or an eternity under the Dark Lords yoke?
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