ONLINE Will Catholics Be Left Behind? by Carl E. Olson fb2 online reading

ONLINE Will Catholics Be Left Behind? by Carl E. Olson fb2 online reading

ONLINE Will Catholics Be Left Behind? by Carl E. Olson fb2 online reading

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Book description
This powerful book is a thorough Catholic critique of the popular Fundamentalist belief in the Rapture--the belief that Christians will be removed from earth prior to a time of Tribulation and the Second Coming. Olson, editor of Envoy magazine and a former Fundamentalist, examines the theological, historical, and Biblical basis for the Rapture by carefully examining premillennial dispensationalism, the belief system behind the Left Behind books and propagated by Biblical prophecy experts such as Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey. Written for both the lay person and the serious student, this book combines an engaging, popular approach with detailed footnotes and exhaustive research. Beginning with the big picture, it focuses first on key concepts such as eschatology, the Parousa, end times, the Kingdom, and the Church. Olson then exposes Fundamentalist author and Left Behind creator LaHayes antagonism towards the Catholic Church, showing that LaHayes many works on Bible prophecy are filled with attacks on Catholicism and numerous errors. He also presents a history of apocalyptic belief and theology, beginning with the Early Church and including the Montanists, St. Augustine, Joachim of Fiore, the Protestant Reformers, and American Puritans. A strong, but fair, critique of a dangerous and popular belief, Will Catholics Be Left Behind? provides Catholics, Protestants, lay people, clergy, students, and scholars with important answers and information about the roots and meaning of the Rapture.
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