ONLINE Why Do I Do This Every Day?: Finding Meaning in Your Work by Fraser Dyer page english kindle book doc

ONLINE Why Do I Do This Every Day?: Finding Meaning in Your Work by Fraser Dyer page english kindle book doc

ONLINE Why Do I Do This Every Day?: Finding Meaning in Your Work by Fraser Dyer page english kindle book doc

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Book description
Based on the premise that our sense of meaning and fulfilment comes largely from the work we do, this book recognizes the sense of disappointment many people experience in their careers, and looks at what they can do to bring purpose and self-expression into their job. Drawing heavily on stories of real people and offering practical exercises, the book covers topics such as self-expression through work, assessing all our skills, defining essential criteria for meaningful work, creating a work environment in which you can flourish, embracing change, and building a new relationship with money. This book will be welcomed by all those feeling frustrated in their work and wanting help in finding true meaning in what they do each day.
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