ONLINE Where the Money Is: True Tales from the Bank Robbery Capital of the World by William J. Rehder android library sale book ebay

ONLINE Where the Money Is: True Tales from the Bank Robbery Capital of the World by William J. Rehder android library sale book ebay

ONLINE Where the Money Is: True Tales from the Bank Robbery Capital of the World by William J. Rehder android library sale book

> READ BOOK > Where the Money Is: True Tales from the Bank Robbery Capital of the World

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Book description

Book description
FBI Special Agent William J. Rehder, the man CBS News once described as Americas secret weapon in the war against bank robbers, chronicles the lives and crimes of bank robbers in todays Los Angeles who are as colorful and exciting as the legends of long ago. The mild-mannered antiques dealer who robbed more banks than anyone else in history. The modern Fagin who took a page out of Dickens and had children rob banks for him. The misfit bodybuilders who used a movie as a blueprint for a spree of violent robberies.In a fast-paced, hard-edged style that reads like a novel, Where the Money Is carries us through these stories and more—all within a pistol shot of Hollywood, all true-life tales as vivid as anything on the big screen.
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