ONLINE What is the Great Commission? by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) full how read without signing selling online

ONLINE What is the Great Commission? by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) full how read without signing selling online

ONLINE What is the Great Commission? by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) full how read without signing selling online

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Book description
After His resurrection, Jesus gave His disciples a mission: to go to all the nations and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them. That remains the continuing mission of the church today.In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the Great Commission by laying out the biblical basis for missions, defining the gospel and evangelism, and addressing the need to mobilize Christian believers for missions. He also touches on methods of evangelism, while pointing ultimately to the One who promised that He would build His church. This book is a challenge to the church and to individual Christians to obey Jesus’ command to go and make disciples.
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