ONLINE Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia by Ananya Roy (Editor) txt online free

ONLINE Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia by Ananya Roy (Editor) txt online free

ONLINE Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia by Ananya Roy (Editor)

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Book description
The turn of the century has been a moment of rapid urbanization. Much of this urban growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world and much of it in informal settlements. This book presents cutting-edge research from various world regions to demonstrate these trends. The contributions reveal that informal housing is no longer the domain of the urban poor; rather it is a significant zone of transactions for the middle-class and even transnational elites. Indeed, the book presents a rich view of urban informality as a system of regulations and norms that governs the use of space and makes possible new forms of social and political power. The book is organized as a transnational endeavor. It brings together three regional domains of research--the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia--that are rarely in conversation with one another. It also unsettles the hierarchy of development and underdevelopment by looking at some First World processes of informality through a Third World research lens.
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