ONLINE Under the Dixie Moon by Ro Cuzon touch amazon shop read torrent

ONLINE Under the Dixie Moon by Ro Cuzon touch amazon shop read torrent

ONLINE Under the Dixie Moon by Ro Cuzon touch amazon shop read torrent

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Book description
Charlie Huston’s Hank Thompson novels meet Lawrence Block’s Matt Scudder series in this gritty neo-noir set in New Orleans.Four years after Hurricane Katrina and the death of his wife, New Orleans bar owner Adel Destin has just kicked his heroin habit when Sondra Williams—an ex-junkie who once revived him from an overdose—begs him to help her find her missing sister. Adel has no choice but to accept, and soon is on the trail of a serial killer targeting women living on the fringe of society.Navigating temptations from his old life, dirty NOPD cops, and friends who turn to enemies in the delta heat, Adel must find the killer or end up framed for murder.Praise for Under the Dixie Moon:“Ro Cuzon is among the rising stars of the new generation of noir novelists who are moving the form forward in exciting, innovative ways.”George Pelecanos“New Orleans is a postcard city, but Ro somehow gets under its skin. One of the best new voices in crime fiction.”Sean Chercover“A no-holds-barred, sexy and violent noir with a liberal dash of NOLA. It delivers an unblinking look at the dirty underbelly of a corrupt society, complete with ugly consequences and melancholy endings.”Library Journal, Staff Pick for Best Books of the Year“Ro Cuzon has written one of the freshest PI novels in years.”Spinetingler Magazine“Smoking hot New Orleans noir.”Mark T. Conard
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