ONLINE Twilight of Capitalism by Michael Harrington read original portable online information

ONLINE Twilight of Capitalism by Michael Harrington read original portable online information

ONLINE Twilight of Capitalism by Michael Harrington read original portable online information

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Book description
Harrington rethinks Marxism and Karl Marx in this book, published in the late 1970s at the end of the Cold War. In the first half of the book, he re-examines Marx and finds that pretty much no one, not even Marxists, not even Engels, correctly understood Marx. He then undertakes the task of undoing what he calls the vulgar Marx, the Marx of stereotype and distortion. He does so quite ably, showing that Marxism is an open critique of all ideology, not an ideology itself; Marx did not reduce the world to the economic, and shows that economists who attack him for being a poor economist dont understand that he was never an economist but a philosopher exploring the deep presuppositions of capital. From there he goes to apply this new Marx to the economic crisis of the mid-1970s. This second half of the book contains some insights even while being rather dated, but it remains excellent on the whole. I highly recommend it for anyone actually interested in the real Marx, rather than the Marx of stereotype and breezy dismissal.
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