ONLINE Trains and Lovers by Alexander McCall Smith (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

ONLINE Trains and Lovers by Alexander McCall Smith (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

ONLINE Trains and Lovers by Alexander McCall Smith (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

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Book description
In the words of Alexander McCall Smith: You feel the rocking of the train, you hear the sound of its wheels on the rails; you are in the world rather than suspended somewhere above it. And sometimes there are conversations to be had, which is what the overarching story in this collection is all about. It is a simple device: people brought together entertain one another with tales of what happened to them on trains. It takes place on a journey I frequently make myself and know well, the journey between Edinburgh and London. It is best read on a train, preferably that one.
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