ONLINE Top Down Sweaters to Crochet by Karen Whooley (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

ONLINE Top Down Sweaters to Crochet by Karen Whooley (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

ONLINE Top Down Sweaters to Crochet by Karen Whooley (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

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I also publish books under the name:Karen Ratto-WhooleyKaren Whooley learned to crochet at age 7. She was taught by her Italian “Nonna” (Grandmother) and learned all the stitch names in Italian! Since Nonna didn’t know how to read patterns written in English, Karen had to teach herself.Karen didn’t start her career as a designer until 1998. Up until that point she would follow patterns she bought in the store. If something didn’t work out to her satisfaction, she would modify it. Then in December of 1998, she met Terry Kimbrough through one of the many crochet lists on the Internet. Terry, who has always been one of Karen’s favorite designers, encouraged her to try her hand at designing something. Her first designs were Flower Dishcloths and to her amazement, Annie’s Attic liked them! From that point her career took off!When her design career started, Karen also opened the doors of Crochet Legacy. Crochet Legacy grew from just offering a few patterns, to including accessories, classes and workshops and a whole lot more. In 2004, Karen finally learned to knit. In January 2007, Crochet Legacy became KRW Knitwear Studio, to include her patterns in Knit as well as crochet.Karen lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (Washington State) with her husband of 26 years, David and her 2 children.
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