ONLINE Threes A Crowd by Penelope Rivers torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

ONLINE Threes A Crowd by Penelope Rivers torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

ONLINE Threes A Crowd by Penelope Rivers torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

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Book description
Mel Smith has been obsessed with Bryce since the first time he walked into the corner coffee shop. Ever since, Mel has watched him everywhere, wanting nothing more than to be his lover and boyfriend. The only problem, Mel is shyer than a green horse and can’t work up the nerve to even ring up a simple order.In walks Darwin Drew, the most gorgeous man on campus, the man everyone is lusting over. Handsome, witty, and incredibly intelligent with big eyes and, according to rumors, an even bigger package. Darwin is a frequent visitor to the coffee shop as well, though Mel’s too absorbed in his crush on Bryce to notice.When Bryce returns his affections and Darwin reveals that his true intentions behind his morning coffee trips are for more than just the mocha cappuccino, Mel must make a choice between the man he thought he wanted and the friend he never knew he had. 
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