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Book description
I read the Readers Digest Condensed version of this book in their Volume 4 1973 edition. What a service the author provided to adoptees wondering about their birth parents! The book is very well written with the author describing vividly both the physical places and her emotions. How times have changed! I kept thinking how much time she could have saved in her search if the Internet had been available to her at the time. She was also limited by huge charges for long distance telephone calls at the time. However, she was sometimes able to get information about a persons employment or change of address that would be more limited now. The author went on to begin an organization to help adoptees in their searches for their birth parents and was therefore able to steer many people in the right direction. One web site I found contained information from an interview with her saying her mother had done a complete turn around, but she did not say whether or not she had been able to meet her half siblings. This is a book that will stay with me for a long time, and I now understand better how adoptees must feel when they have no idea who their birth parents are. Many adoptees have recently turned to DNA tests in the hopes of finding birth relatives. I wish them all the best outcomes.
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