ONLINE The Wife Maker by Karey White (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

ONLINE The Wife Maker by Karey White (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

ONLINE The Wife Maker by Karey White (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
Charlotte has spent years as the husband maker, sending every guy she dates off to enjoy marital bliss with the next girl he dates. But things have now changed, and shes determined to use her husband-maker abilities one last time -- on herself. And she finally knows exactly who she wants.Angus has loved Charlotte since they were teenagers, but hes tired of waiting for her to realize how good they could be. Shes broken his heart one too many times, and its time to move on with his life. Maybe a position halfway across the country will be just what he needs to get over her. But when Charlotte wont let him go without a fight, Angus has to decide if hes willing to let her in again or if shes too late.
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