ONLINE The Sun-Worshippers by Michael Butterworth view spanish free francais itunes

ONLINE The Sun-Worshippers by Michael Butterworth view spanish free francais itunes

ONLINE The Sun-Worshippers by Michael Butterworth view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
This provided a wonderful opportunity to return to my childhood memories of receiving Look and Learn in the 60s and then immediately turning to read the Trigan Empire before reading all the educational feature stuff, or even the super cut way illustrations of technology.With this series of reprints I can not only relive those childhood memories but I can do so with a far better reproduction quality than the original magazine. My one caveat in praising this series of collected Trigan stories is that the price of these volumes is a bit on the steep side, but I guess that reflects the quality and limited print run.Of course the actual stories could be a bit thin, or even preposterous sometimes, but the concept of putting together ancient Greek and Rome design and culture with technology that was decades ahead of what was available in the real world at the time was a great idea, and the central recurring characters retain your interest even if everyone else who appears is a bit of a cipher.However what really made the Trigan Empire one of the greatest comic strips of all time, and still does, is the glorious artwork, which is made all the more glorious in these luxury bound collections
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