ONLINE The Song of Rama: Visions of the Ramayana by Vanamali apple francais wiki writer online

ONLINE The Song of Rama: Visions of the Ramayana by Vanamali apple francais wiki writer online

ONLINE The Song of Rama: Visions of the Ramayana by Vanamali apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
Visions of the Ramayana is the anxiously awaited companion book to Vanamalis spiritual classic, The Play of God - Visions of the Life of Krishna. This contemporary re-telling of The Ramayana is the story of Lord Ramachandra, whose beloved wife, Sita, is kidnaped by the demon king, Ravana. What ensues is Ramas struggle to rescue her, his battle with the forces of evil, and his eventual triumph. We witness powerful examples of heroic strength, loyalty in human relationships, Divine power and vision. On a deeper level, it is the universal story of good versus evil, the dangers of spiritual delusion and false attachment, and the power of love, both human and divine. Vanamali is a master storyteller whose writing transcends both religious and cultural barriers. The song of Rama can be read again and again, each time with greater appreciation of this classic storys power to inspire and transform.
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