ONLINE The Sims 3: World Adventures: Prima Official Game Guide by Catherine Browne book online wiki how to read

ONLINE The Sims 3: World Adventures: Prima Official Game Guide by Catherine Browne book online wiki how to read

ONLINE The Sims 3: World Adventures: Prima Official Game Guide by Catherine Browne book online wiki how to read

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Book description
• Travel: Sims finally see the world in adventure-cations to Egypt, France, and China. Be their travel agent!• Danger and Adventure!: Sims dive into tombs on their adventures. Our maps show you where to find treasures and how to avoid tricky traps.• Skills: All-new skills like nectar-making and martial arts let you customize your Sims even more.• New Relics: Sims can bring home exciting treasure from their travels. Complete relic collections boost your Sims’ moods!• Sims 3 Basics: This section will teach you the Sims 3 basics you need to know to start your first world adventure.
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