ONLINE The Silver Ships by S.H. Jucha (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

ONLINE The Silver Ships by S.H. Jucha (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

ONLINE The Silver Ships by S.H. Jucha (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
An explorer-tug captain, Alex Racine detects a damaged alien craft drifting into the system. Recognizing a once in a lifetime opportunity to make first contact, Alex pulls off a daring maneuver to latch on to the derelict.Alex discovers the ship was attacked by an unknown craft, the first of its kind ever encountered. The mysterious silver ships attack was both instant and deadly.What enfolds is a story of the descendants of two Earth colony ships, with very different histories, meeting 700 years after their founding and uniting to defend humanity from the silver ships.
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