ONLINE The Seals of Wisdom by Muhyiddin Al-Arabi original free offline view ios

ONLINE The Seals of Wisdom by Muhyiddin Al-Arabi original free offline view ios

ONLINE The Seals of Wisdom by Muhyiddin Al-Arabi original free offline view ios

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Book description
I read the original Arabic book as well as the English translated version (The name of the translator was not mentioned). Mystical texts is known for its ambiguity the reason why I found some changes in the translated version. I looked into another translation by Nicholson and it was the same as the one before, if not worse. I think that it takes a mystic who is used to the terms and philosophies of the author to translate him. Nicholson is a specialist in Ibn Arabi but yet affected by his Christian understanding of Ibn Arabis texts.
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