ONLINE The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee (Civil War Library) by Robert E. Lee cheap store read without signing reader

ONLINE The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee (Civil War Library) by Robert E. Lee cheap store read without signing reader

ONLINE The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee (Civil War Library) by Robert E. Lee cheap store read without signing

> READ BOOK > The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee (Civil War Library)

> ONLINE BOOK > The Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee (Civil War Library)

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Book description

Book description
Its hard to believe that a book written so long ago could still stir such emotion in the reader. I thoroughly enjoyed every page. What an amazing man General Lee was! If he had been aware that his son was going to write his biography, he probably would have burned all his letters or maybe not written them at all; he was such a humble person who did not want to be the celebrity that he was. I am so grateful that he did; I could not put the book down. A more loving, caring, intelligent man we will never meet. The writing is not in the usual form of a biography, as it is written as a documentary of the Generals correspondence. In it, we see into the mind and heart of this great leader.
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