ONLINE The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings of Shodo Harada Roshi (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment) by Shodo Harada online doc portable kindle wiki

ONLINE The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings of Shodo Harada Roshi (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment) by Shodo Harada online doc portable kindle wiki

ONLINE The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings of Shodo Harada Roshi (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment) by Shodo Harada online doc

> READ BOOK > The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings of Shodo Harada Roshi (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment)

> ONLINE BOOK > The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings of Shodo Harada Roshi (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment)

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Book description

Book description
When studying ancient Eastern philosophies, it is a rare opportunity to learn the art directly from a living master. Shodo Harada Roshi is one such legend-he attained dharma transmission from Yamada Mumon Roshi and went on to become abbot of the Sogen-ji monastery in Okayama, Japan, where he has taught ever since. Now Zen students of all levels can glean from Haradas wisdom in this modern classic of Zen literature. With clear, accessible language, and a special section in which Harada answers real questions from Zen students, The Path to Bodhidharma deserves a place on the bookshelves of all students of Zen, philosophy, and life.
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