ONLINE The Modern Magazine: Visual Journalism in the Digital Era by Jeremy Leslie ipad download tom android view

ONLINE The Modern Magazine: Visual Journalism in the Digital Era by Jeremy Leslie ipad download tom android view

ONLINE The Modern Magazine: Visual Journalism in the Digital Era by Jeremy Leslie ipad download tom android view

> READ BOOK > The Modern Magazine: Visual Journalism in the Digital Era

> ONLINE BOOK > The Modern Magazine: Visual Journalism in the Digital Era

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Book description
The last ten years of magazine publishing have been a period of rapid innovation, providing a vital record of the eras diverse visual trends. The Modern Magazine features the best editorial design, looking in particular at how magazines have adapted to respond to digital media.Encompassing mainstream and independent publishing, and graphic and editorial design, The Modern Magazine explores the issues now facing the industry, examining changes to the basic discipline of combining text and image for the global, Internetsavvy consumer.The book looks at key developments in the field, interviewing a broad range of specialists to discover their understandings of the current state of the industry and how different areas of publishing influence each other.Incorporating great visuals and genuine insight into the process of their creation, The Modern Magazine chronicles these exciting changes, providing a resource for designers, with interviews with major figures, summaries of new developments and trends, links to blogs, and more.
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