ONLINE The Infinite Moment: Poems from Ancient Greek by Sam Hamill (Translation) view acquire free how to shop

ONLINE The Infinite Moment: Poems from Ancient Greek by Sam Hamill (Translation) view acquire free how to shop

ONLINE The Infinite Moment: Poems from Ancient Greek by Sam Hamill (Translation) view acquire free how to shop

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Eros, playing among the roses,didnt see the bee.Stung, he howled,he screamed to Aphrodite,Im dying! Mother! Im dying!I was bitten by a snake with wings!And she kissed him and replied,It will pass. It was only a bee,my darling, but thinkhow long the suffering of all those who feel your sting.The above poem by Anakreon, one of my favorites, is one included in this exceptionally beautiful collection of poems from Ancient Greece. The translator, Sam Hamill, has included poems from Sapphon, Alcaeus, Anakreon, and Paulus Silentiarius. In addition there is a selection of lyrical and love poems from several different sources ranging from Bacchykides and Likymnios to Meleager, Rufinus, and Marcus Argentarius. While the collection is small the poems invite the reader to delight in them again and again.
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