ONLINE The Harvest by N.W. Harris (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

ONLINE The Harvest by N.W. Harris (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

ONLINE The Harvest by N.W. Harris (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description
Apparently the ISBN was used for the ebook also: ISBN13:9781634220729 The HarvestIn the wake of the apocalypse, nobody is safe. Shane Tucker and his friends thought they managed to save the world from the destructive machine that killed off most of its adult population. Unfortunately, a war nobody was prepared for has only just begun. Now they find themselves joining ranks with a secret organization that will train them to fight for the right to survive. Taking refuge alongside other teenage survivors in a hidden base set deep within the mountains, they will learn how to repel an imminent attack by an ancient race of aliens. Determined to safeguard the children under their charge, Shane and his friends compete for the ultimate prize—a suicide mission against the flagship of the alien fleet. While Shanes feelings for Kelly deepen, along with his need to protect her, he finds emotions clouding his judgment. He’ll gladly die for her. But he refuses to die with her. No amount of training can prepare them for what is to come. Everything the brave teenagers have endured thus far will be eclipsed, with the freedom of humanity hanging in the balance.The Harvest is the heart-pumping sequel to The Last Orphans by N.W. Harris.
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