ONLINE The Gospel According to Hollywood by Greg Garrett (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

ONLINE The Gospel According to Hollywood by Greg Garrett (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

ONLINE The Gospel According to Hollywood by Greg Garrett (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

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Book description
I started reading this right about the time I had Evelyn. It wasnt exactly what I expected, but I do want to finish it because it is an interesting perspective on how movies ask (and sometimes try to answer) the big questions about spirituality and religion.It is a little academic in style, but has some very interesting insights into a number of secular films. This isnt a series of essays dissecting this or that film. Instead, he divides the book into several Christian themes, and then discusses what a number of films suggest and can teach us about those themes: Is there a God? (many many films suggest yes), What kind of God do we have? (discussing films that can help us understand the trinity and the nature of the 3 in 1), Sin and Forgiveness (talking about movies with a flawed hero and redemption as a vehicle to understand our own sinful nature and the saving grace of God), The Message of Peace (can violent films actually teach us something about the futility of violence and the importance of peace, Justice and Mercy.It is a very thoughtful and thought provoking book.
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