ONLINE The Five Books of Jesus by James Goldberg (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

ONLINE The Five Books of Jesus by James Goldberg (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

ONLINE The Five Books of Jesus by James Goldberg (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
It starts in the desert. John the prophet lowers Jesus under the Jordan’s muddy waters and pulls him up, just as a bird swoops down to skim the river’s surface. It spreads next to Galilee, where some welcome Jesus as a disciple of John and others grow wary of his rising influence—fishermen are leaving their nets, tax collectors their offices, and students their masters to listen to this new saint. After abandoning his nets, Andrew ties knots in the threads of his shirt to remember Jesus’ teachings. After escaping his slum, Judas waits for Jesus to call down the legions of angels who can end a broken world. But just as Jesus’ movement in the north is gaining strength, he turns south toward the Temple and a fate his followers will struggle to understand. The Five Books of Jesus, James Goldberg’s lyrical novelization of Jesus’ ministry, tells the story of the gospels as Jesus followers might have experienced it: without knowing what would happen next or how to make sense of events as they unfold.
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