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Book description
You could say that Faith Myers was one of the unluckiest women in The Thousand Worlds, but that would make her sound a lot luckier than she actually was. Her twin sister, Grace, died in an attack by the reptilian Brethren. Her parents were murdered. And, as for Faith herself, she has been stalked by ruthless criminals and bears the scars, both physical and psychological, of multiple murder attempts.Battered by trauma and fear, she has retreated within a solitary fortress of her own making, in which she is safe from emotional harm but is achingly and eternally alone.Fleeing to the sanctuary of planet Jasan with no loftier goal than to escape danger, Faith is found to have a unique gift that makes her a priceless asset in the struggle against the spider-like Xanti, whose goal is nothing short of conquest of the Thousand Worlds, and absolute rule of our galaxy. This gift, and the evil forces that continue to pursue her, propel Faith into a thrilling and dangerous adventure beyond anything she could have imagined.As if that were not exciting enough, she discovers that she is the Arima, or destined soul-mate, of the impossibly gorgeous, yet impenetrably cold and distant Falcoran brothers. Yet, behind this forbidding façade, the Falcorans’ hearts carry an unspeakable longing for closeness and family and children which they reject and deny as a result of, themselves, being the victims of an unspeakable wrong. Although the Falcorans reject claiming Faith as their Arima, and Faith rejects being claimed, they must work together to combat the deadly threat to both their worlds.Faith and the Falcorans begin a painful and perilous journey together - one fraught with danger from the Xanti, and with the danger of exposing their wounded and vulnerable hearts to the terrors and, perhaps, ultimately, the joys of a destined, true love.The Falcorans Faith, a 113,000 word full-length novel, is the continuation of Laura Jo Phillips’ breakthrough, best-selling Soul-Linked Saga, a genre-busting multi-volume epic that leaps across space and time to encompass the joys and pain and mysteries of love and destiny and passion, exploring the far reaches of the galaxy and the inner depths of the heart.It is loaded with the passion, moving emotional insight, excitement, and heart that her fans know and love.RECOMMENDED READING ORDER:The Dracons Woman (Book 1)The Lobos HeartSong (Book 2)The Katres Summer (Book 3)The Bearens Hope (Book 4)The Gryphons Dream (Book 5)Bertas Choice (Book 5.5)The Vulpirans Honor (Book 6)The Falcorans Faith (Book 7)
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