ONLINE The Book of Beliefs and Opinions by Saadia Gaon download epub

ONLINE The Book of Beliefs and Opinions by Saadia Gaon download epub

ONLINE The Book of Beliefs and Opinions by Saadia Gaon download epub

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Book description
Yale Judaica series 1 Saadya ben Joseph al-Fayyumi (882-942), gaon (head) of the rabbinic academy at Sura & one of the preeminent Jewish thinkers of the medieval period, attempted to create a complete statement of Jewish religious philosophy in which all strands of philosophical thought were to be knit into a unified system. In The Book of Doctrines & Beliefs, Saadya sought to rescue believers from a sea of doubt & the waters of confusion into which they had been cast by Christianity, Islam & other faiths. By employing philosophical--or kalamic--argumentation to examine & defend traditional Jewish beliefs, Saadya hoped to turn blind faith into conviction based on rational understanding.
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