ONLINE The American Heritage Medical Dictionary by American Heritage Dictionary (Editor) bookstore book flibusta information library

ONLINE The American Heritage Medical Dictionary by American Heritage Dictionary (Editor) bookstore book flibusta information library

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Book description
New treatments, new tests, and new insights into health and disease have resulted in an unprecedented explosion in medical terminology. The American HeritageВ® Medical Dictionary provides students, health care professionals, and general consumers interested in medical vocabulary with a comprehensive reference that reflects the most recent developments in medicine and health care delivery. More than 45,000 clear, concise definitions are included, covering diseases and conditions (avian influenza, gender dysphoria), treatments (cosmeceutical, fusion inhibitor), and microorganisms (norovirus). Hundreds of entries for commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medications are also featured. Informative illustrations and tables complement the text.Entries are written in a straightforward style at an appropriate level of technical detail without the inclusion of overly academic terminology. Sophisticated enough for the medical professional but accessible to the general user, this book demystifies the complex vocabulary of health care. Biographical entries describe the contributions of leading scientists and physicians from ancient times to the present.With its comprehensive treatment of all medical specialties, including alternative medicine, genetics, and geriatrics, The American HeritageВ® Medical Dictionary is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in modern medicine.
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