ONLINE The Aliens Bond by Ruth Anne Scott (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

ONLINE The Aliens Bond by Ruth Anne Scott (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

ONLINE The Aliens Bond by Ruth Anne Scott (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

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Book description
With the hatching of the Covra young beginning, the group from the Denynso compound is hurrying to get to the settlement as fast as they can. When a comment from Ivy makes Zsilvia think differently about the Light Ones and their locked state, a single communication with the men changes everything. Now the warriors are fighting a battle they hadnt prepared to fight and together they must decide whether it is more important to preserve lives that began long ago, or eliminate the threat to those who are still just getting started. Lynxs leadership and personal struggle clash and he must decide which he will choose, knowing that the decisions he makes could save hundreds while also taking away the one thing that he needs and desires the most. This book contains mature themes and language, only suitable for adults over the age of 18!
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