ONLINE The Adventures of Henry Whiskers by Gigi Priebe online flibusta story tablet free

ONLINE The Adventures of Henry Whiskers by Gigi Priebe online flibusta story tablet free

ONLINE The Adventures of Henry Whiskers by Gigi Priebe online flibusta story tablet free

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Book description
Henry Whiskers must face his fears and rescue his little sister from the scary Rat Alley in this fun, fast-paced debut chapter book set in Queen Mary’s historical dollhouse at Windsor Castle.Twenty-five generations of Whiskers have lived in Windsor Castle’s most famous exhibit: Queen Mary’s Dollhouse. For young, book-loving Henry Whiskers and his family, this is the perfect place to call home.But when the dollhouse undergoes unexpected repairs and Henry’s youngest sister, Isabel, goes missing, he risks everything in a whisker-whipping race against time to save her. His rescue mission will take him to the murky and scary world of Rat Alley, and Henry will have to dig deep and find the courage he never knew he had in order to bring his sister back home.
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