ONLINE Take Me Tonight by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

ONLINE Take Me Tonight by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

ONLINE Take Me Tonight by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

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Book description
What do thrill-seeking women want? A fantasy-fulfilling exciting rescue by a scorching hot guy...with an unforgettable night of passion. So they go to -- and then they die. Someone has to stop it. When Sage Valentine discovers that her roommates shocking suicide might be related to a website that provides edgy, thrill-seeking entertainment, she immediately books her own abduction to get some answers. But her rescuer isnt really who she thinks he is....Johnny Christiano is dedicated to the Bullet Catchers, who saved him from a wise guys life of crime and turned him into an elite bodyguard. When hes assigned to stop Sages kidnapping, hes unexpectedly trapped between deceit and sizzling desire. But the closer Johnny and Sage get to the truth, the closer danger stalks them...until death is only a double-click away.
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