ONLINE Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life by Sun Kwok txt online reading

ONLINE Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life by Sun Kwok txt online reading

ONLINE Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life by Sun Kwok txt online reading

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Book description
How did life originate on Earth? For over 50 years, scientists believed that life was the result of a chemical reaction involving simple molecules such as methane and ammonia cooking in a primordial soup. Recent space observations have revealed that old stars are capable of making very complex organic compounds. At some point in their evolution, stars eject those organics and spread them all over the Milky Way galaxy. There is evidence that these organic dust particles actually reached the early Solar System. Through bombardments by comets and asteroids, the young Earth inherited significant amounts of stardust. Was the development of life assisted by the arrival of these extraterrestrial materials? In this book, the author describes stunning discoveries in astronomy and solar system science made over the last 10 years that have yielded a new perspective on the origin of life. Other interesting topics discussed in this bookThe discovery of diamonds and other gemstones in spaceThe origin of oilNeon signs and fluorescent lights in spaceSmoke from the starsStardust in our handsWhere oceans come fromThe possibility of bacteria in space
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