ONLINE Star Splinter by J.G. Cressey (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

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I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review. This has not affected my feelings towards the book.This review can also be read here.Plot:This story is awesome. There’s not so much action in the beginning but the last 1/3 of the book is non-stop action. I loved it. The story follows an unlikely group of rejects who crash-land on Mars while en route to Earth. Together they need to figure a way off the planet, and then figure the cause behind their unexpected detour to Mars. There’s science, aliens and pirates, friends and foes. I think the concepts that Cressey explores in this story was interesting. If you loved Stargate, you’d find this interesting as well.Characters:I loved most of these characters. I didn’t care much for Eddy. She was way too crazy for me. Sometimes I’d just want to smack her and tell her to shut up. That aside, I think each character had something to contribute to the team. Cal is a great leader and role model. Jumper is like your uncle who really keeps to himself but will look out for you if need be. To me, Toker was the character with the most growth. In the beginning he was somewhat pig-headed and immature but he really starts to pull his weight as time goes by. Viktor, the science kid – honestly nothing more to say but he’s super genius. And they have their own cyborg, who looks and acts more human than expected, Melinda.Writing:The book starts off with action and then the action somewhat slows down at some points in the story but never enough to be boring. It was gripping and really kept me reading, wanting to reach the end. At some points you are really on the edge of your seat wondering how the hell are they going to make it out of this one. Can’t wait to read the next installment.
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