ONLINE Some Like It Haute by Jillian Leigh (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

ONLINE Some Like It Haute by Jillian Leigh (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

ONLINE Some Like It Haute by Jillian Leigh (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
Jillian Leigh is an author of historical romance who has a particular fondness for the wit and elegance of the Regency period. She lives in Australia with her long-suffering husband, almost perfect son, and two cats with a terrible sense of entitlement. She enjoys Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, chocolate, old musicals, classic screwball comedies and TV shows that feature models or designers vying for domination.She also edits for several e-publishers and provides freelance editing services for indie authors (at First Look for Authors).
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