ONLINE Solace by Sierra Riley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

ONLINE Solace by Sierra Riley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

ONLINE Solace by Sierra Riley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

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Book description
After my initial love of Sierra Rileys Guardian, I havent had a lot of luck with her other books. She whips them out every two weeks and each story seems the same as the last, except for the characters names and occupations. I had decided that I wasnt a good match for her books after getting the formula out of my system with Guardian but this blurb sucked me in and I had to give it a go.As I expected, this was the same book as the others, with different character names and jobs. The difference here were:1. The military aspect with PTSD and a service dog was RIGHT up my interest ally.2. The sex was weak! Not many scenes and very tame compared to the other books. There was even *gasp* fade-to-black sex!So, while I didnt enjoy this book for the romance, I am going to give it 3 stars. Ms. Riley included a wonderful epilogue complete with links about service dogs and how they can help you and how you can help them. I am 100% on-board with that.EpiloguePaws For Hope is based on the many wonderful not-for-profit organizations across the country that provide a much-needed service for US veterans by matching them with rescue dogs who would otherwise be euthanized. This cause is near and dear to my heart, and I strongly believe these organizations deserve more recognition for the lives they save, both human and canine. While I cant list every organization here, Id like to list a few that I found in my research. You can click any of the links below to learn more, and I encourage you to search for local organizations in your own community:Healing4Heroes - to Soldier - for Vets - and Stripes - Angels - copy of Solice provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.
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