ONLINE Sizzling by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) download pdf

ONLINE Sizzling by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) download pdf

ONLINE Sizzling by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) download pdf

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Book description
A spiteful article about the former pitcher and current playboy questions his talent in the bedroom. And the newspapers just the first bad news. Reids grandmother Glorias broken hip means she needs constant care but Reid hired Nurses 1 and 2 for their bedside manner with him. So for Number 3 he chooses Lori Johnson, the first candidate who seems immune to his brand of charm.Loris never wasted her time with amoebas like Reid Buchanan. So why are her well-fortified defenses starting to crumble under the force of his sexy smile and the kindness he shows her at every turn? Theres only one explanation for the feelings flaring between them chemistry. Chemistry so hot, its sizzling!
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