ONLINE Sex, Drugs n Facebook . . .: A Parents Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Internet Use by Megan Moreno book fb2 online

ONLINE Sex, Drugs n Facebook . . .: A Parents Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Internet Use by Megan Moreno book fb2 online

ONLINE Sex, Drugs n Facebook . . .: A Parents Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Internet Use by Megan Moreno book fb2 online

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> ONLINE BOOK > Sex, Drugs n Facebook . . .: A Parents Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Internet Use

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Book description

Book description
Forget sex, drugs, and rock & roll — todays parents and teachers have to deal with cyberbullying, sexting, internet addiction, and exposure to inappropriate online content. Fortunately, expert researcher Dr. Megan Moreno has written this book as a guide to help you teach your kids about balance and boundaries in their internet and media use and the skills they need to thrive online.Sex, Drugs n Facebook will help you to zero in on the problem — and the solution. Backed by researchers funded by a $2.5 million NIH grant, this guide provides a clear toolkit for teaching our young people how to avoid the dangers of the internet while taking advantage of its full potential.The book is grounded in the real experiences of young people on the internet. Incorporating the insight of teens and college-age students, each chapter includes real-life case studies and helpful new methods for productive conversations about these situations, in your own home or classroom.Dr. Moreno gives actionable advice based on the most cutting-edge research in social media and technology use. Respectful of the needs of both children and adults, Sex, Drugs n Facebook is the smart guide to raising cybersensible kids.
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