ONLINE Sci-Fi Movie Freak [With DVD] by Robert C. Ring read fb2 on iphone

ONLINE Sci-Fi Movie Freak [With DVD] by Robert C. Ring read fb2 on iphone

ONLINE Sci-Fi Movie Freak [With DVD] by Robert C. Ring read fb2 on iphone

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Book description
Ill be back. -- The Terminator, The Terminator (1984)To the movies, that is. And so will you with the help of Sci-Fi Movie Freak, a celebration of some of the greatest science-fiction movies of all time. Your inner geek will freak finding everything from classics like Metropolis, Forbidden Planet, and 2001: A Space Odyssey to modern movies including Avatar, Moon, and Inception, and even the entertaining failures like Robot Monster, Gammera the Invincible, and Battlefield Earth.Movies are divided into various chapters including Best of the Best, Further Essentials, and Lesser-Known Gems.Features more than 100 movies250+ photos of movie stills and postersTop 10 lists of the best directors, female characters, villains and moreFree DVD included of the magnificently bad cult classic Plan 9 From Outer Space.
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