ONLINE Rules of Conflict by Kristine Smith get without registering value download find

ONLINE Rules of Conflict by Kristine Smith get without registering value download find

ONLINE Rules of Conflict by Kristine Smith get without registering value download find

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Book description
For eighteen years, Captain Jani Kilian has been hiding from her bloody past. Now she faces trial for what she once did, what she knows now, and what she has become.Eighteen years ago, she was saved by a radical--and illegal--medical procedure that added alien genetic material to her own. But her hybrid body is breaking down. And so is everything else. Relations between the human and alien idomeni races are deteriorating as rapidly as Jani Kilians augmentation. And Janis reemergence has caused old wounds to reopen and new wounds to form. Perhaps its time for a damaged soldier to stop fighting; to let the desperate architects of a vast and devouring conspiracy keep the truth well hidden; to let the universe and everyone in it go straight to Hell.Perhaps not...
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