ONLINE Rock Her by Liz Thomas tom kickass download pc book

ONLINE Rock Her by Liz Thomas tom kickass download pc book

ONLINE Rock Her by Liz Thomas tom kickass download pc book

> READ BOOK > Rock Her

> ONLINE BOOK > Rock Her


Book description

Book description
look at that cover....then the word wonder I am reading it NOW!!!!DNF :(I gave up at 34% because I can not get into this story, and I will not rate it because of that.I usually dont give up on books because I hate not to finish what I started.I love stories with rock-stars, but rock-star ex-marine.... just no....I didnt feel any chemistry between main characters, some scenes were completely ridiculous and the writing was just bad. Maybe one day I will finish it but for now I am putting it aside...This is only my opinion so maybe you would like it :)(view spoiler)[when he comes all over her face and his first thought was HOLLY SHIT SHES A KEEPER and she spits it on the floor and instantly asks for round two was just too stupid to read... I have porn sites for such a badly written things...filling her dripping honey hole with his!?! (hide spoiler)]
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