ONLINE Risky Shot by Kathleen Brooks (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

ONLINE Risky Shot by Kathleen Brooks (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

ONLINE Risky Shot by Kathleen Brooks (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
Danielle De Luca, an ex-beauty queen who is not at all what she seems, leaves the streets of New York after tracking the criminals out to destroy her. She travels to Keeneston, Kentucky to make her final stand by the side of her best friend, McKenna Mason. While in Keeneston, Danielle meets the quiet and mysterious Mohtadi Ali Rahmen, a modern day Prince. Can Mo protect Dani from the group of powerful men in New York? Or will Dani save the Prince from his rigid, loveless destiny?
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